Why does begonia have leaves? Why do begonia leaves dry out?

Among indoor plants, begonia is one of the most beloved because it is distinguished not only by its beautiful flowering, but also by its very attractive leaves. But this plant requires a lot of care, so below we will discuss the most famous diseases of begonia and mistakes in its cultivation.

Problems with decorative deciduous begonias due to improper growing conditions and care for them

Most often, problems with growing begonias arise due to the fact that the flower is not properly cared for. As a result of this, he begins to lose his attractiveness and stops developing. We talk about the main symptoms and causes of begonia disease below.

A similar reaction can develop in a plant due to excessively dry conditions, when it does not receive enough moisture from either the air or the soil. In order for the leaves to recover as quickly as possible, the begonia needs to be watered and removed from a windowsill with too much light.

New begonia leaves are small

This is a plant that is very demanding on soil nutrition. Therefore, even if you repot it regularly and use fresh soil mixture, as winter approaches the plant may notice the appearance of very small new leaves.

In this case, it is recommended to feed the begonia a little. A liquid fertilizer intended for flowering indoor plants is ideal for this purpose. It would be useful to give the plant a complex composition of such fertilizing every two weeks.

The plant drooped, the begonia leaves bowed

If the begonia has drooped, its leaves have become limp and unattractive, then, most likely, this was caused by keeping the begonia in the kitchen, where a gas stove is regularly used.

Unfortunately, this plant is very sensitive to gas combustion products. Therefore, the only thing that can be done in such a situation is to move the flower pot to another, well-ventilated room.

Stem and blossom end rot at the base of begonias

Most often, fans of this plant are faced with the fact that the roots of the begonia rot, but often the stem part also begins to rot. CauseThis is excessive moisture of the plant, as a result of which a lot of water accumulates in its stems and leaves.

Begonia can recover only if it is placed in a well-lit place by the sun, and watering is also significantly reduced so that the soil can dry out a little.

Begonia leaves fall off in winter

If in winter the begonia leaves become discolored and begin to fall off, it means that the room is too cool, or the window on which the plant stands is most likely being blown by a cold wind. To prevent the plant from losing all its leaves, move it to more comfortable conditions or at least seal the windows against drafts.

Diseases of decorative deciduous begonias

Begonia diseases can spread both from other plants and from poor soil collected in the garden, or from an undisinfected pot, or even pruning tools. Incorrect care often leads to this.

Yellow rings and spots on begonia leaves

Unfortunately, if such a symptom appears, it is better to destroy the plant. The thing is, that yellow rings and spots, which subsequently lead to leaf deformation, are left on the plant cucumber mosaic virus.

There are no means to combat it, but it spreads quite quickly and actively, so if you have it, try to immediately destroy the source of its spread.

Gray rot or mold on the stems and leaves of a plant appears as a greenish powdery coating with a slight tint of brown. It often affects not only the leaves, but also the flowers of begonias, which is why mold must be dealt with urgently.

To get rid of mold, the plant treated with Benomyl. In addition, since mold most often forms due to excessive humidity, it is better to move the plant to a dry and cool room during the “treatment” period.

Important! Begonia loves well-lit places in which it will develop well and bloom brightly. But it should be remembered that if its leaves are exposed to direct sunlight, they can get burned and dry out.

If a plant is affected by this disease, white spots with powdery powder will rapidly form on its leaves and stems. To stop the progression of the disease, it is imperative treat the plant with fungicides.

It would also be a good idea to move the flower to a well-ventilated, cool room, since in such conditions powdery mildew practically does not appear and does not spread.

If you notice that your favorite begonia has significantly stunted its growth and is beginning to wilt, you can try replanting it. If during the replanting process you see blackened roots that have begun to rot, the plant is suffering from black root rot.

The same thing will help you cope with it spraying with Benomyl. To prevent the development of such a disease from reoccurring, control watering and under no circumstances over-moisten the soil in the pot.

Problems with flowering begonia due to improper growing conditions and care for them

During the flowering period, begonia requires the most attention, since for active vegetation the plant needs a sufficient amount of nutrients, moisture and sunlight. But since begonia is very picky in this matter, not everyone can guess its wishes.

Begonia does not bloom, new leaves are small

Lack of flowering and poor development is evidence of a lack of nutrients in the soil. Therefore, try replanting the begonia in fresh soil, and also fertilize it every two weeks. Soon the plant will begin to actively grow again and may bloom even out of season.

Lethargy and complete drying of the leaves are caused by growing begonias in excessively dry conditions. It is worth understanding that this plant is very demanding of high air humidity and moisture at the roots. Therefore, try not to dry out the air in the room with begonia and water it regularly.

Did you know? Begonia is an indoor plant that can delight you with flowering both in summer and winter. But it attracts attention not only with flowers, but also with attractive large pubescent leaves, which can have a multi-colored color.

Begonia leaves have turned yellow and drooped

It often happens that begonia leaves not only droop, but they also turn yellow. Such behavior of the plant will indicate that it is watered too intensively and at the same time kept in cold conditions. Flowering may also gradually disappear from this, if it can appear at all.

In this case, you should leave the plant without watering for some time, and also move it closer to warmth. Try not to go to extremes and not to overdry the begonia, which will lead to the appearance of dry leaves.

Rot at the base of the stems is a consequence of excessive moisture. In this case, it is recommended to dry the soil well and avoid waterlogging in the future. In especially severe cases, when you notice the development of rot too late, the plant may not even recover, so you should monitor watering regularly.

Rot on begonia leaves, flowers or buds

If begonia begins to rot not from the stems and its base, but from the leaves, flowers and even buds, this indicates that you have sprayed this plant too often, which is generally not recommended. Begonia should only be watered directly into the pot, since this flower cannot deal with excess moisture and begins to rot.

Diseases of flowering begonia

It is most unpleasant to encounter begonia diseases during the period of its active flowering, since the diseased plant completely loses its attractiveness. If you do not begin to eliminate these problems in time, the plant may die.

Black spots on the leaves of begonias that are in bloom are the result of a disease called bacterial wilt.

It is worth noting that it develops gradually: at first, only bubble spots appear on the leaves, which, although small in size, tend to grow and merge over time. Over time, such spots on the leaves turn black.

The only thing that can help cope with the disease is spraying with systemic fungicide, which can be done even for unaffected plants as a preventive measure.

Important! The main pest of begonias is excessive moisture. For this reason, even in hot summers, it is necessary to water the plant only after 1-1.5 cm of soil has dried out from the water. Under no circumstances should water stagnate in the pan.

We have already talked about powdery mildew.

However, there is also downy mildew, in which the leaves become covered with white spots that are soft to the touch.

You can deal with it in the same way as with ordinary powdery mildew - using systemic fungicides.


Brown and black spots on begonia leaves that also cause them to rot is a disease called botrytis. It develops if the flower is grown in a poorly ventilated area and is also flooded with water.

True, changing growing conditions cannot help begonias. In order for the plant to get rid of the disease, it should also be treat with Benomyl.

The main pests of begonias: how to deal with them?

But pests are even more dangerous to the plant. It is possible and necessary to fight them, but each pest must initially be correctly recognized so that an effective control method can be chosen.

Greenhouse whitefly

It appears in conditions of high humidity and settles on the leaves of begonia, feeding on its juice. If the begonia leaves become discolored and gradually begin to dry out, most likely you will have to deal with greenhouse whitefly.

It will help you cope with it soap solution(per 10 liters of water 40 g of liquid soap). But you should spray the plant with such a solution carefully so that large quantities of soap do not get under the roots.

Did you know? Begonia can be propagated in three ways at once: cuttings from leaves, propagation of a bush and cuttings from shoots. However, when using each of them, it is worth considering that the materials should be taken only from a healthy plant.

If they begin to appear on the stems, roots and leaves strange growths and swellings- that means she settled on begonia root-knot nematode.

Unfortunately, these microscopic worms are capable of completely infecting a plant, stopping its growth and even causing complete rotting. At the same time, preventing the appearance of a nematode is much easier than eliminating it.

Therefore, before planting begonias, the soil must be steamed to kill all the larvae in it. If the nematode has already been noticed, the areas affected by it should be removed and the plant should be watered at the root. Heterophos solution 0.05-0.2%, pouring only 100 ml onto the area of ​​one pot.

Soft false scale

This is a very dangerous pest, as it settles almost inside the shoots, completely stopping their growth and leading to the drying out of the begonia. To get rid of false scale insects, it should be manually cleaned from the affected areas using a soft brush. It will also work to use garlic infusion.

Red spider mite

Mites appear only in cases where heavy watering of the plant is combined with keeping the begonia in very warm conditions.

Greenhouse aphid

Aphids are dangerous because they feed on the juice from begonia leaves, therefore, if they spread en masse, they can very quickly destroy the plant.

Evidence that the begonia has been affected by the greenhouse aphid are yellowed and curled leaves that may fall off along with the buds.

Aphids reproduce very intensively, and they can even get into an apartment through an open window, since many of their individuals can fly. They will help you cope with it drugs Actellik and Fufanon.

Important! It is necessary to fight aphids urgently, since in addition to the fact that they themselves can cause significant harm to the begonia, sooty fungus also likes to settle on its excrement.

Leaf nematode

Unlike the root-knot nematode, leafy affects the upper part of the plant. This nematode can be recognized by light green spots on the leaves, which turn brown over time.

It is almost impossible to combat leaf nematode, although in the early stages it is possible spray begonia with Heterophos solution at a concentration of 0.05-0.2%. But if the damage is severe, it is better to remove the flower and disinfect the pot well before planting another plant.

We are talking about a fairly large insect that can be seen immediately after settling on a begonia. This pest also causes the leaves of the flower to discolor, making it unsightly and stunting its growth.

292 times already

Begonia is very often grown by flower growers and housewives in our country. This flower has gained great popularity as it has beautiful leaves and flowers. This plant has the popular name “maiden beauty”. Everyone who appreciates beautiful indoor flowers starts a tuberous begonia. When growing this flower, some people encounter various problems; novice gardeners sometimes ask: why do begonia buds fall off? Having knowledge of what causes problems with buds, you can successfully cope with these difficulties.

Features of care, problems during cultivation

Traces of disease appear on tuberous begonia most often due to improper care. Not everyone knows how to properly care for this flower, but caring for it includes: proper watering, regular fertilizing, correct location of the bush, moderate soil moisture, spraying, etc.
Why do tuberous begonia leaves curl? If such a problem occurs only in the lower leaves, then there is no reason to worry, because this is explained by the natural processes of the death of old foliage. But if the leaves on the entire bush begin to darken, dry out and curl, then this is a cause for concern.
Why do begonia leaves curl? Most often this happens due to improper watering regime. Problems with leaves arise both when the soil is over-moistened and when the soil dries out. It is necessary to moisten the soil only after the substrate has dried on top. Due to waterlogging of the soil, the root system begins to rot, which negatively affects the entire plant. In addition, the leaves curl due to non-nutrient soil, so when the leaves lose their rich green color and become dry, you need to fertilize the flower as quickly as possible.
Why doesn't begonia bloom? Flowering can only be seen when there are at least five knees on the main stem. Very rarely, flowers on indoor begonia appear earlier.
Why does begonia start dropping buds? This can happen for several reasons: water has gotten on the buds, the air in the room is very dry, or the soil moisture is insufficient, or maybe excessive. Also, the buds fall off due to drafts and moving the flower to another room, or to the balcony. This flower likes to be in a room with humid air; increased humidity has a beneficial effect on it. If a variety with smooth leaves is grown, then such a bush can be bathed and safely sprayed with a spray bottle. But if there is a variety with fluffy leaves in the house and it drops buds, then it should not be sprayed; it is advisable to spray water from a spray bottle at some distance from the flower so that drops do not fall on the bush. Why does begonia start dropping flowers? The plant sheds buds and flowers very rarely, and this is always associated with improper care, including regular, moderate watering and fertilizing.
Where should you place the flower pot? Begonia is a light-loving plant, but it painfully tolerates direct sunlight on its leaves. Therefore, you need to place the flower on a well-lit windowsill, which is located on the southeast or southwest side of the house. If the only available option is to place the plant on the south side, then you definitely need to create shading for the flower using ordinary tulle.
What causes holes and dark spots to appear on leaves? This occurs due to improper watering, when the soil is moistened with hard and cold water. In addition, sometimes holes are the result of burns formed due to the refraction of sunlight by water droplets. Therefore, it is undesirable for direct rays of the sun to fall on the leaves, especially after spraying the bush.
Why does a white coating appear on begonias? White, powdery spots on the leaves indicate a disease - powdery mildew or gray mold. It is imperative to remove diseased leaves that have a white coating on them, then you need to treat the bush with a fungicide. With this problem, the room is often ventilated.
Why do begonia flowers begin to fall off? Sometimes the reason for this is unsuitable soil that does not have enough nutrients. The ideal mixture for this flower is: turf, leaf, coniferous soil, coarse river sand and peat. All these components must be mixed in equal quantities, disinfected in the oven or spilled with a weak manganese solution. Such a substrate will promote good development and beautiful flowering.
Why doesn't the bush bloom? Flowers do not appear on begonias for several reasons: the bush does not have enough sunlight, there is insufficient air humidity in the room, the temperature is very low or, on the contrary, high, the plant receives a lot of fertilizers. Also, begonia does not bloom when it is constantly in a draft, near an open window.
So, begonia leaves, buds and flowers begin to fall off due to improper care. When a bush looks sick, you first need to adjust watering, air humidity, amount of fertilizer and lighting. In addition, this plant can suffer from gray rot, when white spots appear on the leaves and shoots. This problem needs to be dealt with with a soap-copper mixture or Bordeaux mixture.

Why begonia leaves dry is a question that many gardeners ask. Everyone would like to see beautiful ones in their home. However, due to the fact that over time the leaves begin to dry out and its beauty is lost, many simply abandon such a plant.

But the problem can be solved simply, just know the rules and follow them. We’ll talk about why begonia leaves dry out and what needs to be done in this article.

If the plant was purchased in a store, you do not need to immediately replant it in new soil and pot, as it will take some time to acclimatize. Indoor begonias need to be replanted once a year, making sure that the plant does not come into contact with the ground.

It is better to plant begonia in clay pots that have high breathability.

As a rule, loamy soil with the necessary selection of minerals and microelements is used as soil for it.

A soil consisting of sand and peat with an admixture of leaf soil in a 1:2 ratio is ideal. The soil should have a low level of acidity, and also be loose and light.

Begonia is a finicky plant. In order for it to delight you with its beauty for many years, you need to listen to the advice of professionals and follow all their recommendations.

Top dressing

Feeding the plant becomes indispensable if, even if all the above conditions are met, the leaves still dry out.

Feeding begonias should be done no more than three times a month from March to September.

Complex fertilizers with a minimum amount of nitrogen are suitable for this, since it has a bad effect on the further growth and development of the plant.

Potassium nitrate is sometimes used. It is applied under the plant no more than once every two weeks.

In hot weather, you can spray the bush with humate, epitome, zircon. But, as soon as the plant has flowered, feeding it should be stopped.

It is easy to cope with all the warnings and rules described above, and then the begonia will smell beautifully in the house and delight its owner.

Why do begonia leaves curl?

The homeland of the queen among domestic flowers is America. Begonia is a perennial plant,

There are many types of which.

These include: tuberous; deciduous; bush.

The characteristics of care and maintenance depend on the type of begonia.

The process of growing a plant is specific to each case, but they all require knowledge of why begonia leaves curl.

Reasons This phenomenon can occur for several reasons:

lack of moisture; poor flower nutrition; sensitivity to heat; abundant watering. Due to lack of moisture, the leaves on begonias begin to curl, because the plant is very sensitive to humidity levels.

Throughout the summer you need to water frequently, preferably every day.

In winter, moistening of the substrate with tubers occurs much less frequently. The humidity should be normal, and the container in which the begonia grows should be placed in a vessel filled with wet expanded clay.

Poor nutrition, its lack or imbalance, negatively affects the condition of the plant.

Twice a year, begonias are fed with a ready-made complex or potassium nitrate.

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the amount of nitrogen in the complex should be as small as possible.

The sensitivity of the flower to increased temperature is also the reason why begonia leaves curl. Therefore, maintaining temperature standards in the room is an essential part of growing a plant.

For summer, the ideal option would be to maintain the temperature at +18 degrees. For autumn and spring, the indicators should be in the range from +12 to +14.

Because of this factor, begonia should not be placed in places where direct rays of the sun penetrate. It is recommended to grow the plant in a room located on the south side, or move it to another room for the summer.

Begonia will feel comfortable on the north or east sides of the house.

Frequent and abundant watering can affect the curling of the leaves of the flower, especially if the begonia has been sprayed. This process stops immediately, because the plant does not need it. Before watering it, you need to check whether the soil has had time to dry after the last procedure. If there is still moisture there, then watering is not carried out.

Lack of light can create additional difficulties. For this reason, the leaves turn yellow and fall off.

It is also important to replant the plant correctly.

With the arrival of spring, the tubers are planted in fresh soil, watering them the day before. The soil in the pot should not be dry or too wet. To replant, the begonia is removed from the container, the soil is removed, and the flower is placed in a solution of potassium permanganate.

After the procedure, watering is carried out regularly. After a week, you need to add a small amount of soil, as the bud on top will dry out and settle.

For several days, the flower remains in the shade and is protected from drafts.

The question of why begonia leaves curl will disappear by itself if you follow simple rules for growing the plant, and proper replanting will be the key to the beauty and health of the flower.

A plant first found on the island of Haiti and named after the governor of this island, Michel Begon (it also has other names - Emerald, Imperial). The entire family includes over one and a half thousand varieties. Meet.

They develop to the size of shrubs and subshrubs. Usually the leaf plates of this flower have an asymmetrical original shape. Their shade is always very rich, and the pattern formed by the veins creates a unique effect. There are no peculiarities in the growth of Begonia.

On a note. Begonia is very easy to care for. And if you follow all the recommendations, you practically don’t get sick.

But, unfortunately, everything is not always rosy. Begonia leaves can be attacked by diseases and pests and begin to dry out, or even fall off altogether.

Causes of the phenomenon

Why do the leaves around the edges of the indoor plant dry out?

For those living in open ground

  • Excessively warm and dry weather.
  • Lack of irrigation.
  • Lack of weeding of beds.

What causes the drying of flowers and buds?

The most common reason why flowers dry out in inexperienced gardeners is spraying the flowers directly with water. They don’t survive this and immediately begin to dry out and eventually fall off. That's why Be careful not to let water droplets fall on the buds.

And the last reason why flowers can dry out is too frequent and abundant watering. Adjust the soil moisture regime.

You will learn all the details about diseases and pests of begonia in.

What to do for prevention?

No particularly new tips for preventing leaves from drying out have appeared over the past, probably, decades. Everything is as old as time. Just observe optimal conditions:

  1. the place is bright, but without direct sunlight;
  2. regular watering with water without chemical impurities;
  3. inadmissibility of drafts;
  4. optimal temperature regime (18-2 degrees Celsius);
  5. well-selected fertilizer complex.

Note! If the lowest leaves of Begonias begin to dry out, there is no need to worry at all. This is the natural process of old plant leaves dying off.

You need to start sounding the alarm only when this unpleasant phenomenon becomes widespread. Simply pinch off the fading leaves, and then the young foliage will get more nutrients and it will become fatter and richer.

It happens that not one or even several leaves dry out, but all at once. Don’t rush to say goodbye to your plant right away. Perhaps only the above-ground part of the flower has deteriorated, while the rhizomes remain alive.

If, when studying the roots, not a single living thing was found there, then, unfortunately, the flower cannot be saved.

Recommendation. If possible, get rid of this soil, because pests can live there, which is why the plant died. It is better to pay and buy a new soil mixture than to destroy a young plant every time.

  • Begonia tubers can be eaten and have a citrusy flavor.
  • This flower is a state symbol in North Korea - it can even be seen on the flag of this country.
  • The seeds of the plant break all world records in size. From a bag weighing 30 grams, you can get about 3,000,000 sprouts.
  • In ancient times, Begonias were used to polish sword blades.
  • One of the main beneficial properties of the flower is the ability to purify the air and increase immunity. Therefore, Begonia is often placed in rooms where there are children. especially allergy sufferers.

We wrote all about whether it is possible to keep begonia in the house, and read about the beneficial and harmful properties of this plant for the home and people.

I hope that after reading this article you are finally convinced that what is being described the plant is ideal for beginner gardeners and busy people. After all, caring for the Imperial Flower does not take much time and is not difficult. So, go for it!

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