How to choose a recurve bow, what to look for? Choosing a bow for a beginner and how to start? How to choose your bow.

Several centuries ago, a homemade bow for hunting was the only weapon of the ancient Russian warrior. In addition to military campaigns, onions were used to obtain food. Hunting with throwing weapons is in the genes of any Slav, so you shouldn’t be surprised at the spontaneous desire to buy a bow, master shooting and go hunting. If the purchase of firearms is stopped by the problem of obtaining permits from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and licenses from hunting grounds, then with throwing weapons things are a little simpler. Having studied the legal norms, you can begin to search for the required weapon.

Legal standards

There are many disputes on the Internet between owners and potential buyers regarding the legality of purchasing, carrying and using throwing weapons, which include bows and crossbows. Each state in the post-Soviet space has its own legal framework. For Russia, for example, there is a Federal Law “On Weapons” 150-F3. If we put together articles 3, 6 and 13, we can conclude that throwing weapons in Russia are allowed only to participants in sports sections and for carrying out research and preventive work related to the immobilization and injection of animal objects. Bowhunting can freely hide behind this law. There is also GOST R 51715-2001, which allows the presence of throwing weapons, the tension force of which is no more than 12 kg.

What's Really Happening

Taking into account the fact that sellers of all gun stores provide a certificate that gives the right to use throwing weapons without permits for sports and recreational shooting, we can conclude that a bow purchased in a store will not bring problems with the law to the new owner. To ensure that the licensing authorities do not have many questions when importing throwing weapons, they resort to tricks to reduce the power of the shot; a reinforced set with complete installation instructions is included with the bow. Sometimes weapons, especially professional compound bows for hunting, are sold in parts. In any case, it is important for a novice hunter to remember that an administrative violation under the article “poaching” is given to any person who is caught with a weapon and a carcass at the scene of a crime. “If” they get caught!

An interesting loophole for novice hunters

Recently, the “Russian Bow Hunting Club” appeared in Russia. A rather interesting organization in a country where bow hunting is prohibited, it immediately attracted the attention of both hunters and animal lovers, who “put a spoke in the wheels” of club members who want to legalize bow hunting in the vastness of Russia. This club is attractive because it conducts seminars on training in shooting with throwing weapons, and based on the results of the exam, it can award a license that allows you to practice bow hunting in countries that do not have a ban. And there are about thirty such countries in the world - there is room to roam! For example, in nearby Belarus, bow hunting is allowed. You can also go to Bulgaria or Africa to get trophies without any problems; the club is ready to help with organizing the trip. A license from this club allows hunting in special enclosures registered in the unified state register. Over the past year, about a hundred such enclosures have been registered across Russia; their area is 100-1000 hectares and includes forest lands. There's a lot to think about.

The right approach to buying onions

You can understand people who recommend purchasing the cheapest classic option as your first bow. With minimal costs, it will not be so difficult to say goodbye to the finances spent on purchasing weapons if you lose interest in them. But professional athletes think differently. Having picked up a toy and not getting the required result, the desire to shoot a bow can disappear forever, and a real bow, capable of piercing a centimeter board from fifty meters, will become the idol of any novice shooter.

There is only one conclusion: if you plan to hunt with a bow, then the choice should not fall on a cheap purchase. Cost savings can be achieved by choosing an entry-level gun. The tension force of the bow must be at least ten kilograms, otherwise you can forget about hunting. Ideally, for a beginning hunter of feathered and fur-bearing animals, it is recommended to purchase a “thirty” - 30 pounds, this is a tension of about 13.5 kg.

How different are they?

The huge selection of throwing weapons on the market will stun not only the novice hunter, but also the experienced shooter. Determining your needs will help you narrow down a wide range of products: inexpensive price, purpose of use - “hunting” and ease of shooting. As a result, the choice of bow will be made from four categories.

  1. Olympic. It is also called classic due to its appearance, the style of which has been maintained for centuries.
  2. Recursive. In terms of quality and efficiency, it is not inferior to the classics, but its weight and size are reduced for ease of transportation.
  3. Traditional. Each state produces such a bow using its own technology, and its appearance often causes mistrust. However, high efficiency quickly puts everything in its place, and bow hunting promises to be effective.
  4. Blocky. Innovative developments by engineers have made it possible to create a bow consisting of blocks that allows one to obtain excellent shot power with little effort.

Mastering a simple device

When wondering which bow is best for a beginner in hunting, many look towards block devices, the price of which is significantly higher than their competitors. All beginners, without exception, are recommended to purchase an Olympic bow as their first throwing weapon. And you shouldn’t think that after the shooter learns to use a weapon, interest in the bow will quickly disappear. The classic has great potential for improvement. Installing a stabilization system and sight will be of interest to any hunter.

It will take more than one month, and perhaps even a year, until a novice hunter masters the basics of archery. For full training, professionals recommend shooting about a hundred arrows a day so that your hand gets used to the weapon, the tension on the bowstring is not painful, and the arrows fly in the right direction.

From simple to complex

Shooting a matchbox from a classic bow from a distance of 20-30 meters and “hitting a squirrel in the eye” are completely different concepts, for example, because a matchbox has no legs. Most hunters achieved the ease of shooting at a moving target through long and hard training. Just remember the ancient Russian poem, which mentions the gray-haired archers, who have no equal in the world.

Before purchasing, a new hunter needs to be prepared for the long-term training that archery requires. Hunting will be effective only for a person who is fluent in throwing weapons. It is possible to speed up learning, but this will require you to fork out the cash, because buying a compound bow requires serious financial outlay.

Best throwing weapon

Yes, a compound bow for hunting is considered an expensive, but very effective purchase. Learning to shoot from such a device will not be difficult. All thanks to specialized bowstring tension mechanisms. Naturally, compound bows come in several types, which have their own advantages and disadvantages.

  1. Solo block. It is a single block in a rigid design. The lightweight design is quite simple and any beginner can handle it.
  2. Hard block. The double system with rigid blocks has incredible power and high accuracy when shooting. However, a complex system requires careful handling and constant maintenance. For the professional, this is the best compound bow for hunting.
  3. Round blocks. You won’t be able to shoot quickly from such a bow, but they have no equal in terms of accuracy and noiselessness of shooting.
  4. Soft blocks. Along with high power, they provide good accuracy. They cannot be called silent, but the simplicity of the design may interest beginners.

If you want to do it well, do it yourself

Neanderthals, having only the “gifts of nature” at hand, somehow created weapons for hunting. A person of the 21st century has much more opportunities. What do you need to make a bow for hunting with your own hands? To make it, wood must have a number of useful properties: be uniform, durable, flexible and look attractive. To create a bow, you can use juniper, birch, oak, cedar, willow, rowan and elm. Be sure to remove the bark from the workpiece. It’s quite easy to determine the size of the bow; you need to measure the distance from the beginning of the thigh to the tip of the index finger of the shooter’s outstretched hand - this will be the length of the throwing weapon. Stepping back 1.3 cm from each edge of the shaft, cut out shallow grooves for the bowstring. After that, the onion needs to be grated with animal fat and dried. It is recommended to make the bowstring from either silk threads. Those who like experimenting should try stretching a thin rope or making a “braid” from Chinese nylon threads for fishing.

Creation of a shooting complex

The homemade bow for hunting is ready, and you need to decide what to do with the arrows. First of all, the length of the arrow is determined. It is equal to the length of the arm, starting from the shoulder joint and ending with the tip of the shooter’s index finger. The arrow should be smooth, even, straight and have a diameter within 6-8 mm. There are a lot of options for creating arrows, and you won’t be able to find a perfectly flat piece. In any case, you will have to modify the arrow with a knife, a plane, and a blank of the required size can be found in the forest, cut from a tree branch. In urban conditions, processing of mounting beads has proven itself to be effective, albeit with a lot of time. Many new shooters use bicycle spokes as their first arrows. It is up to the user to invent the feathers and tips on their own, because their creation is a creative approach that depends not only on the author’s imagination, but also on knowledge of physics and aerodynamics. You must always remember that the flight of an arrow depends not only on the efforts of the hunter; the flight is greatly influenced by the feathers.

Alternative option

There is another way to make a bow for hunting. You can order the production of a bow from a real master in the production of throwing weapons. Until now, many countries in Asia, Southeast Africa, South America and people actively use bows and crossbows for hunting. Naturally, they do not buy weapons in a store, but make them with their own hands using ancient family technologies that are passed on from one generation to another. True traditional bows are every bit as good as the more expensive and advanced compound designs. And their reliability and ease of use will provide the hunter with fresh meat in the house for a long time. As an alternative, you can search for the desired weapon at foreign auctions on the Internet. Sometimes you come across worthy things.


Each novice shooter determines for himself the best bow for hunting. It cannot be said that it is better because of its cheapness, and the block device is undeniably superior to competitors with incredible power and shooting accuracy. For every person, owning a weapon is its own story, which sometimes haunts him since childhood. Often, many novice shooters learn to hunt with their own bow, and some, exploring foreign history and traditions, long to immerse themselves in the atmosphere and culture of a thousand years ago and order the manufacture of weapons from craftsmen in Yakutia or the Nivkhi people. Each hunter determines his own destiny.

Archery is a sport in which success can be achieved at any age. The main desire. However, in order not to lose your zeal and love for throwing weapons at the beginning of your journey, it is important to choose the right bow for a beginner. To understand which bow to buy: cheap or expensive, read this page to the end.

Which bow should a beginner choose?

Before answering this question, let's think: are complex devices necessary for beginners?

On the one hand, this may be needed “for growth”, because the archer’s skills will improve, and then he will have to spend money on a more “advanced” projectile. How to avoid this? We will answer a little later, but for now let's talk about the other side of the coin.

You may be quite trained, but your strength will not help in archery. While stretching the bowstring, those muscles work that are almost not used in everyday life by novice archers. To begin with, a beginner should take a “soft” specimen with minimal tension force. Focus on practicing the skills and don't force your body to do unnecessary work.

But is it possible to reduce spending on a more advanced projectile in the future?

Yes, you just need to buy an inexpensive collapsible device for beginners or a block model with many settings (then in the future you can easily make the projectile tighter).

Review of cheap models for beginner archers

They can be divided into two broad categories: block and recursive.

Recurve is a type of projectile familiar to us from films about Indians and archery competitions. They are relatively inexpensive, have relatively light weight and a simple body kit. For their lightness and simplicity of design, such devices are loved by beginners. They are reliable, and most breakdowns can be fixed yourself without contacting a service center. Looking to buy a bow for beginners? Then you need to know that recurve bows are divided into 2 more categories:

  • classic - with arcs curved towards the shot. This design allows you to shoot further and more accurately than a traditional weapon. These devices are mainly used for sports and accuracy development. It takes years of practice to learn to shoot well, but they are suitable if you are serious about developing your shooting skills.
  • traditional - with straight or curved arcs, closest to ancient shells. Shooting is carried out intuitively, that is, without additional devices, which makes them good for beginners.

The undoubted advantage of compound bows for beginners is the large number of settings. They will allow you not to “grow out” of the device, but to adapt it to yourself as you develop your skills. However, when purchasing a block structure, you must be prepared to use it carefully, because it can easily break if not handled correctly.

What bow should a beginner not buy?

A common mistake made by beginners is the desire to buy a bow for shooting that is too cheap. A low price is often evidence of poor quality.

Outwardly, such devices may look quite attractive, but the technical characteristics are completely disappointing. All inexpensive bows are suitable for is serving as interior decoration.

Where can a beginner athlete buy a bow in Moscow?

If you want to buy an inexpensive model that will bring success in shooting and encourage further victories, look for a store that will provide you with detailed and competent advice.

All bows of the Arbaletika online store have a warranty period, and after it expires you can return your projectile to our service center. Our prices, terms of delivery and payment You will also be pleasantly surprised!

We will be glad to see you in our store!

The most important part of any bow is the smart head of its owner.

So, have you decided to join a squad of archers and learn how to shoot and hit a target with your eyes closed? To do this, you need to choose the right bow that will help make your dream come true.

Historians still cannot give a definite answer about the age of the bow; the oldest stone arrowhead is more than 60 thousand years old. Our ancestors used the bow for hunting and war, and during the Middle Ages it even competed with firearms. Over time, the bow has faded into the background and is now increasingly used either for entertainment, sport, or hunting. Undoubtedly, modern bows are far from their grandfathers and great-grandfathers, but the main feature has remained unchanged: the accuracy of the shot depends on the skill and skill of the owner.

What you need to know before buying a bow:

First, you need to decide what you need the bow for and how much your wallet is willing to give. In the modern world, there is a huge selection of bows, but they can be divided into three main types: traditional, classic and compound bows. Each of them wins the heart in its own way, and in order not to be mistaken, the ideal option would be to shoot from different types of bows and determine which of them your soul is drawn to. For example, in Minsk there is an opportunity to shoot with many types of bows in a shooting club.

Your first bow is not the last, and not the only one; if you are going to improve, over time you will want to buy another one, and maybe even more than one. Therefore, whenever possible, learn everything you can about bows, try shooting with them (with the owner’s permission, of course) to form your own opinion about them.

You should also pay attention to bow tension.

Don’t rush to buy the strongest bow that weighs 50-60 pounds, save your muscles, not every person can stretch such a bow, let alone shoot it all the time. When stretching a bow, those muscles work that we rarely use in everyday life, and if you have difficulty holding the bow, then all your attention will be focused only on fighting the tension force, and not on the correct shooting technique. Don’t forget, training requires multiple repetitions and a strong bow can simply “break” you, which means injuries and sprains, weeks, or even months of recovery. First you need to build muscle, and to do this, start with 20-30 pounds (classic bow), 34-45 (compound), 25-35 pounds (traditional).

The bow doesn't shoot itself. To master shooting technique, you need to constantly practice. It is best to start shooting under the guidance of a good coach in order to immediately master the necessary basics.This will save you a lot of time learning the correct technique.

When choosing a bow, the draw length of the bow plays an important role. Don't forget, most people have different lengths of hands and buying one bow for the whole family is unwise. Compare the length of the arms of father, mother and child. Typically, traditional bows come in a standard draw length of 28-30 inches. Korean bows designed for ring shooting have a slightly longer draw length, due to a different attachment - 30-32 inches. Remember that stretching the bow to a length greater than stated by the manufacturer may lead to its breakage.

A bow with a draw weight of over 60 pounds (27 kg) is considered a weapon in the Republic of Belarus by law and requires a permit to possess it.

If you are interested in traditional archery, then you probably already know that there are longbows and shortbows. Long bows are better suited for initial mastery of the technique - they do not have a very high shot speed, but for beginners this is only a plus. Short bows are less forgiving of technical errors and require more time to master. You shouldn’t immediately buy a bow made exclusively from natural materials. Firstly, they are much more expensive than bows made using modern technologies, and secondly, you will encounter a number of difficulties in storing and using them

If you buy a bow, there should be no defects on it, the string should not have scuffs so that you don’t have to change it after a week.

For sports shooting enthusiasts, bow manufacturers have created a very wide range of compound sporting bows. Here, amateurs are faced with the problem of choosing which handle to choose, which shoulders are better, whether it is worth buying the entire system of stabilizers at once, etc. For beginners, we can advise the following - do not immediately chase the top models, even if you are not bothered by their price. To begin with, take something quite budget-friendly, because even with the simplest model it is quite possible to defend the shooting category up to a master of sports. Remember: any bow can be adjusted correctly and it will shoot consistently, and hitting the target depends only on your skill.

Hunting on the territory of the Republic of Belarus with a bow is permitted, but to own a hunting bow (with a tension force of over 60 pounds) you must obtain a permit, and to hunt with it you must have at least 5 years of experience in owning a smoothbore weapon.

The situation is completely different with compound bows. The compound bow is a high-tech product of engineering. It is not enough to just master the shooting technique to get a good result. Compound bow owners know that a lot depends on setting them up correctly. Now there are a lot of fairly cheap models of compound bows from various little-known companies on the market. Having purchased such a bow, you will inevitably encounter either difficulties in setting it up or low quality manufacturing of the mechanical elements. But even if you buy an expensive bow from a well-known company, you are not immune from such problems. Therefore, before buying a compound bow, if possible, consult with athletes who practice shooting this type of bow (specialists), they will tell you more than the seller in the store.

Trust the opinion of professionals, but do not rely on it entirely. Each of us is unique and what suits one may not suit another. Before purchasing a bow, try to find an opportunity to fire a couple of shots with it. It is quite possible that, despite all the assurances of the seller or master, shooting from this bow will not be comfortable for you for some reason, which means you will lose time mastering it.

Another factor that is often paid attention to is the external design of the bow. Many shooters proudly display their bow, enjoy the look of it while shooting, and take pictures of it with delight. This can happen to you too - you saw a bow of a certain model and now you only dream about it. However, do not rush, do not forget - the bow must first of all suit your parameters. But if you have a chance to choose between two approximately identical bows, make your choice in favor of the one that you aesthetically like more. You'll enjoy shooting much more when you're holding a bow you're proud of!

P.S.: if you were asked to buy onions for home, and you are not thinking about food, but about sports equipment, then congratulations - you are ready to buy your own onions.

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Compound bow shooting is an entertainment that is gaining more and more popularity in our country every year. But, it should be noted that despite the ever-increasing army of fans of this business, in Russia there continues to be a shortage of real professionals in the archery industry.
This is primarily due to the relative youth of the crossbow and bow market in our country. That is why a good review article on how to choose a compound bow is a rarity on our Internet.

In the following lines, we will try to correct this annoying omission and undertake to tell you in all colors and with all the details, dear visitors of our humble resource,about all the subtleties and pitfalls that you may encounter when choosing a compound bow.

So you decided to buy a compound bow, but you don’t know where to start or what to look for. Let's think logically and in order.

1. Who will shoot.

  • Firstly, it is necessary to determine the level of the shooter. In other words, analyze who the lucky owner is who will shoot from a compound bow.You should start with your level of preparation. A person can be a beginner, therefore, he can choose something more budget-friendly to start with, a person can be a professional, and in this case it will be difficult to get away with an inexpensive blocker.
  • Secondly, an important factor when selecting a bow is the weight and dimensions of the given arrow. The draw length and poundage of the compound bow you choose will depend on how tall you are and what your physical shape is.

In order to determine the length of your stretch, stand against the wall, spread your arms to the sides and ask a friend to measure the distance from the fingertips of your hands, then divide the resulting number by 6.35. The result obtained will be the length of your stretch.

As a rule, compound bows are designed for people with a draw length of 25-31 cm. A man of average height has a draw length of 27-29 cm. When choosing a compound bow, it is very important to pay attention to the possibility of adjusting the draw length. It often happens that at first you have one shooting style and one stretch that corresponds to it, but over time it can change.
In this case, don’t buy a new bow. Today, fortunately, most models can adjust this parameter, but there are budget models without such an option. Pay attention to this. As for poundage, with compound bows, unlike tradition and classics, everything is simpler.
The fact is that at the moment of maximum tension on the bowstring, due to turning the blocks, the force is released and instead of, say, 27 kg. As a rule, you hold 65-80% less weight. The only point you should pay attention to is pounding before releasing the tension force.
As a rule, men are able to cock the bowstring of any blocker, which cannot be said if you are considering a girl or teenager as the owner of the bow.

2. Why do you need a compound bow?

Actually, the price of the product will largely depend on the goals you are pursuing. If you are looking for a powerful compound bow for big game hunting, then be prepared to shell out a large amount of money.
As a rule, a good hunting bow with a set costs from 40,000 rubles.
Extra-class bows for professional shooters and hunters are produced by such companies as Bear, Hoyt, PSE. If you want to know more, follow the link to the appropriate section.
If you are not going to go after a bear and your bloodthirstiness is limited to small game, or perhaps you are a conservationist and you need a compound bow for recreational shooting at isolon shooting ranges,
you have the opportunity to meet the amount up to 18,000. In this case, we recommend that you pay attention to such archery brands as Mankung and INTERLOPER.
On the other hand, if you are not strapped for money, but your soul requires a holiday, feel free to buy an American block gun - accurate shooting and a great mood are guaranteed.
Having answered two main questions - who shoots and why shoots, you can delve into the design of a compound bow in more detail and consider some of its features.

Actually, the main thing in a compound bow is the handle, shoulders and blocks.

There are a great variety of compound bow handles on today’s archery market in a wide variety of shapes and colors.
But with some intellectual effort, all this endless diversity can be grouped into three main categories.

These are concave, curved and straight handles. In the English classification - reflex, deflex and straight, respectively.

  • Concave grips are found on the fastest compound bows, and the design of the grip itself aids shot speed by reducing the base, or the distance between the resting string and the center of the grip.Compound bow models BEAR Arena 30, HOYT Nitrum 30, BOWTECH Carbon Overdrive and many others have a similar design.
  • Curved handles are found on less fast bows; the design of such a blocker does not allow the arrow to develop extra speed due to the same base, which in this case is larger.But at the same time, bows with curved handles are more accurate and are usually used by less experienced shooters, whose shooting accuracy is far from ideal. Compound bows with recurvesshoulders - this is quite a rarity today.
  • Bows with straight arms are a cross between the first and second, combining the pros and cons of both models.
The material from which the handle is made critically affects, as a rule, the final price of the bow, but almost never the strength. As a rule, handles for compound bows are made of aluminum,
magnesium, less often from carbon and some other light metals. The lightest blockers are those with carbon handles, but you need to understand that they are also the most expensive.

The second, and perhaps the main thing you should pay attention to when choosing a compound bow is the type of blocks installed on the product.

We can conditionally divide all the variety of blocks for onions into
4 large groups - round, soft (soft), hard (hard) and single (solo).

  • Round blocks - these are by far the slowest bow blocks of all the ones presented above. But round blocks have one very important advantage - accuracy. These are the most accurate and quietest units withleast vibration and recoil. This is why faces with round blocks are so popular among archers all over the world. Bows with round blocks are rarely used by hunters,since, in addition to not the highest speed, an arrow fired from such a bow flies in an arc.
  • Soft blocks are the slowest of the hunting blocks. At the same time, they are silent and easy to set up.
  • Hard blocks, or hard blocks, are blocks with maximum speed, as a rule they have irregular shapes (from a very elongated ellipse, to a triangle in some cases). The most serious drawbacka bow with such blocks is a failure in tuning due to pulling the bowstring. Bows with rigid blocks are typically used by experienced archers - for whom speed is everything and tuning the bow is a pleasure.
  • Solo blocks are the know-how of the American company Mathew’s. Essentially, these are bows with one rigid block and one round one, which does not participate in shooting. This design has gained wide popularityin the crossbow and archery industry, even today such bows are in the lineup of almost any manufacturer. What's the salt? One custom block instead of two, and the speed is almost the same. Veryconvenient, isn't it?

Another point that is important when choosing a compound bow is its configuration. As a rule, top models, such as PSE, Bear or HOYT, come with a full body kit. But often budget models require additional equipment.

What else could you need besides the compound bow itself?

  • Shelf (required)
  • Aim
  • Peepsite
  • Stabilizer
  • Release
  • Kraga
  • Shako
  • Arrows
  • Case
  • Wax
  • A set of keys
  • Arrow remover
  • Quiver
We will not dwell in detail on each of the points within the framework of this article; we will prepare a separate material on body kits on our website.Choosing a compound bow is not an easy task as you can see. In this article, we tried to briefly highlight the main points that you need to pay attention to when purchasing a compound.
If we helped you, this is
Amazing. In any case, if you want to buy a compound bow, do not limit yourself only to the information that can be found on the Internet on various sites and forums, call us or write to us andWe will be happy to give you the most complete consultation.

"- Hello, I went to your website and am choosing an onion. Tell me..."
This is how about 90% of calls from people who decide to learn archery or buy a bow as a gift begin. Of course, archery is a good, interesting and exciting hobby. A hobby that develops the muscles of the arms and back, improves the eye and concentration. A hobby that serves as a constant source of good mood, new friends and positive emotions.
"What bow do you recommend for me?"

First you need to decide on the goal or ask yourself the question: Why do I need a bow? Based on the answer, we can recommend onions. If you choose a bow to shoot at home or in the country, then any type of bow will suit you, if for sports, then an Olympic or a block, which is closer to you. Or maybe you are interested in archery historical festivals, then you need to pay attention to traditional bows.
So, we have three and first we need to choose from them:
Traditional bows - these bows are made of wood and glass laminate, have the historical shape of bows of various nations and the corresponding name, for example, Mongolian bow, Turkish bow, English bow, Japanese bow, etc. Traditional bows, in turn, are divided into types: recurve, long, horsebow (short recurve bows).
Longbow or longbow - has thick and narrow shoulders with little or no bend. Structurally, it resembles a curved stick, often with a leather-braided handle and a notch for an arrow shelf. The recurve is distinguished by the end of flexible arms (flat and wide), which bend away from the shooter.
Due to its design, a recurve bow has a higher initial speed of arrow flight compared to a longbow, with the same string tension. At the same time, the long can be designed with an incomparably greater tension force, and have greater stopping power through the use of longer and heavier arrows. For sport shooting at a standard archery distance of 18m, both types of bows are suitable.
Classic bows(Olympic) are close to traditional ones, but are more technologically advanced, allow the installation of additional equipment (sights, balance beams, etc.), allow the replacement of arms and disassembly for ease of transportation.
the most difficult to produce, configure and use. A good compound bow costs at least $400 and requires proper care and basic shooting experience with a classic or traditional bow. However, it is recommended to place your hand on a classic or traditional bow.

Now we select the bow for the shooter

First, we determine the parameters of the bow: Your height affects the maximum length of the bow, your physical parameters affect the tension of the bow (shoulder strength). The length of traditional bows usually ranges from 50-70 inches (125-175cm). When choosing the length, attention is paid only to the ease of handling the bow; for example, for a girl 150 cm tall, a comfortable bow will be in the range of 120-135 cm.
When selecting a first bow for those aged 16 years and above, it is recommended to limit yourself to a bow with a draw weight of up to 14 kg. Draw weight is usually stated in pounds (1 lb = 0.45359237 kg) so the first bow will have a draw weight of up to 30lbs.
If we have chosen a compound bow, then we need to pay attention to the main parameters - draw and tension. If the bows are entry level, they have a wide range of adjustments both in power and draw. Bows and the PSE Stinger are a great example of this.

Basic tips:

Do not take the most powerful bow, 32-26 pounds is enough to shoot at 30 m, but a bow that is too heavy will not allow you to learn how to shoot correctly. - - The onion should bring you pleasure, so turn to yourself first of all, what exactly do you want.

What to take right away?

Arrows. We will help you choose the ones that match your bow in terms of length and required stiffness. The number of arrows is at least half a set - 6 pieces! To correct shooting, so as not to go to the target after two shots, when at the position it is already clear what correction is needed for the shot, but there are no more arrows. Plus, if you consider that a couple of arrows can be attributed to damage or loss during the first month, it is optimal to purchase a dozen at once.
Release - if it is a compound bow, glove or fingertip - for Olympics or tradition. They protect your fingers from rubbing against the string. When firing 50 shots with a bow even weighing 14 kg, an untrained person will develop painful calluses on his fingers; on average, 150-200 shots are fired during training. The gaiter is not a mandatory piece of equipment, but it protects you from possible very sensitive blows from the bowstring on the inside of the forearm.
The bow target is large, as large as possible. A target that can ensure that the arrow is confidently immersed in it, without rebounding or penetrating through. Not plywood, not wood, not foam. The most suitable material for this is isolon. If it is mounted on a wall, make sure that there are no fasteners on it that could damage the arrows. A safe place for shooting is a fenced area, without bystanders or spectators on the shooting line.
Read a more detailed article on choosing onions

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